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Thursday, August 09, 2007
Da Vinci, Olivier, Fabuloso

A furrowed brow, hunched shoulders, serious expression.

This is how most people believe of Saint Nicholas Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph Campbell -or of him as Canadian television's front-runner investigator, Saint Dominic DaVinci.

But the serious function was project off recently, when he appeared in the Toilet Kolvenbach comedy Fabuloso, playing as portion of Toronto's yearly Summerworks theatre festival.

Sitting in a Cinespace council chamber in comfy summertime gear, Campbell talks about his tax return to the phase from television land, noting that "it's frightening to travel back".

Campbell hasn't been onstage in almost 20 years.

"The frustrating thing in Canada is that things don't always take to other things... people think, 'look at that cat Dent Campbell, if he can acquire this sort of changeless activity, then I can too'... I'm passionate about doing my job, and not distressing about anything else."

That 'constant activity' he alludes to is DaVinci's Inquest, one of the longest-running and most popular telecasting shows in Canadian history.

DaVinci's Inquest followed the probes of Saint Dominic DaVinci in the seedy end of business district Vancouver. It ran for seven old age on Canadian TV, and have spawned numerous spinoffs –not to advert hosts of fans.

Its success is still a spot of a surprise.

"If you had told me 10 old age ago about DaVinci, how smart it is, that Canadians will watch it, I would've said you're come out of the closet of your mind, won't happen, not with me, but it did."

So why Fabuloso?

"It was such as good material... the authorship is so good!", the histrion enthuses, smiling broadly, "I was reading it and riant so hard, I thought, I can't not make it. I've known Danny (Kash, Fabuloso's director) and Linda (Kash, his Fabuloso co-star), since forever, which helps."

Campbell is passionate about theatre. Trained in England, he worked with some of the greats, including Laurence Laurence Olivier before coming back to his place and native land.

Did he acquire any arrows from the great Sir?

"Yes, I did acquire a batch of helpful stuff", Joseph Joseph Campbell notes, softly smiling, "a batch of mundane things –like, just look and see if you have got got the first line, then listen, don't seek to memorise it all in an audition... just listen."

It is, he says, Olivier's advice to listen that South Korean won him the portion as Saint Dominic DaVinci.

Campbell states it's his clip overseas that solidified the love of his craft, and of theatre itself.

"I'm so defined by my clip in England -it's my term of mention for anything dramatic - you travel over there and see a few things, and think, this is what it have to be."

He's tauten in his committedness to theatre, too, even though it's a risk.

"Here in Canada we have fabulously energetic, illusionist people like Prince Albert Schultz, people moving into the Stratford triumvirate, plus the Henry Wheeler Shaw travels on - it always makes great stuff", he says, with straight-out zeal, "it's tripped off a batch of material in Toronto. They usually don't inquire me (to make phase work), but my purpose is good. It's a signaling I still desire to be included in the process."

Coming back to theatre after such as a long time interval have got to have its share of surprises.

"Constantly", Joseph Campbell says, "it's all been like going back to play school, seeing how material come ups out funny, the fact people happen it funny, just trying to acquire it out, without running out of breath. It's experimenting in order to acquire on the right track."

"As soon as you begin recognizing things you undergo in life, it goes amusing on its own."

As to audience response with his role, Joseph Campbell isn't hedging any bets.

"People might bask it just because of my haughtiness to make it at all. They might wish to see me fall level on my face! But, I believe I can make it. Hey, I always thought DaVinci was pretty amusing - it's dark but it's surprisingly funny."

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What is your first language? I have never read anything quite like this, so naturally I am curious.
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